Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good News Bad News

Good news- solid growth

Good news- already fruiting (but will pinch these for a while longer)

Bad news- snap on the main line... it was a heaftier vine than any past year's, and underestimated the amount of support it would need as it grew.  Lesson learned.  Hopefully it's still viable-  the vine is growing out in all directions, so maybe it will compensate...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Early growth, temps warming

A little wilty while I was in England... but Mark took care to give it extra water.

Mark's plant doing well, about twice as long.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wet Dry

After one of the rainiest Springs on record, and over 2" of rain in June, we've finally a decent 10 day forecast... vine growth is going to take off now.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Competition heats up

Mark's is quickly growing under the cloche

Mine's going, too... but hasn't laid down yet.  Added some sunflowers around the edges... but not where they'll steal sun.  This was a photo at 7:30am... good light early.  Added organic material to growing path, and covered with grass.

The 76 MT I planted is doing ok, but not as much love as the other.  More of a backup plan.  =)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Drawn up irrigation plan...

Executed irrigation... with Deep Watering (tm) organic material bucket